Photographic Cloning

Through the use of GoPro, the creation of photographic cloning is greatly simplified. Using the burst setting, you can take a certain amount of photos in a given time. For the GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition, the photos can be taken in the following amounts and time periods:

3 photos/1sec
5 photos/1sec
10 photos/1sec
10 photos/2sec
30 photos/1sec
30 photos/2sec
30 photos/3sec

Choosing the appropriate burst speed depends upon the speed of the activity being photographed. A person moving at a walking speed would require less pictures per second, while a running individual would need more pictures per second. Experiment with different burst speeds to find one that works. 

After successfully capturing your photos, you must know how to properly edit them. Using a photo editing program such as GIMP is a quick and easy way to "clone" yourself in still photography. Hopefully in a future post, I will create a how-to-video that will explain the exact process with more detail, but for now I will talk you through the simple 2-step process of cloning yourself.

1. Upload Photos

Uploading photos can be accomplished in multiple ways, but the simplest method is to click and drag the photo to the empty space within the work area of GIMP. After the first photo is uploaded, drag the next photo in the sequence directly on top of the first photo. 

2. Crop Photos

Select the rectangular selection tool from the tool menu, click and drag until the desired area is surrounded by a dotted-line. Next, drop down the Layer menu tab and choose "crop to selection."A tip to keep in mind is to make sure your photos are separated so they do not over lap. In this simple form of cloning, overlapping images will not look convincing. 

Below are a few examples of easy-to-make "clones" of myself. Please leave your comments, concerns, or questions below.



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